Saturday, February 03, 2007

My husband LOVES to make up words for everyday objects and events/actions. I thought I would start recording them for "posterity". The following is a dictionary of Dougisms...I'll add more as they develop, or as I remember them. WARNING: some of them are quite graphic.

Cave - when our dog wants to go under the blankets when she gets cold during the winter - he calls it "going in the cave"

Chalupa - what is calls it when our dog has to go to the bathroom. Dropping or making a chalupa.

Crickey Crash - when our dog, Cricket, runs out of energy and goes to sleep.

Enchilada Bomb - what happens when he has "stomach flu"

Fur Blanket - during the winter our persian cat's fur tangles so much it "felts" and is like a blanket.

Fur Horn - what our persian cat gets on top of her head when her fur gets knotted and tangled.

Fur Knot - what happens when our persian cat's fur gets knotted and tangled

Fur Tongue - what happens when a fur knot sticks out on our cat's chest

Fuzz Brain - what he says our persian cat has for brains - because she has so much fur and isn't very "bright"

Super Bowl - The toilet

Hershey Squirts - diahrrea

Kitty See's - cat poops, that our dog loves to eat. He calls it "making kitty See's - as in See's candy.

Popcicles - what he calls the baby carrots we give the dog as treats.

Toaster - our bed during the winter when the electric blanket is on.


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